More Information About Awesome Graphics for PowerPoint
Please also see our Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) page for further information.
Pricing of awesome graphics for powerpoint
All orders received in 2017 will qualify for
a FREE Exclusive awesome powerpoint graphic.
Download graphics
Each graphic for powerpoint is only $5
Choose 5 graphics for $20 and save $5
Choose 10 graphics for $40 and save $10
Choose 15 graphics for $60 and save $15
The more you buy the more you save
Buy more than 4 graphics qualify for $5 discount
Buy more than 9 graphics qualify for $10 discount
Buy more than 14 graphics quality for $15 discount
15 graphics at $5 = $75
Discount for ordering 14 graphics or more = $15
TOTAL you pay $75-$15 = $60
Choosing the following 5 graphics would cost only $20
Awesome Graphics for Powerpoint on CD-ROM
Order all the graphics, that's over 1000 images, on CD-ROM for only $299
That's a saving of over $4700 if purchased separately at $5 per image.
Imagine the freedom of being able to pick from hundreds of pictures to enhance your presentation.
Click here to order the CD-ROM.
Paying for awesome graphics for powerpoint
The following five currencies are available for making payment:
- US Dollars $
- UK Pounds sterling £
- Canadian Dollars $
- European Union Euros
- Australian Dollars $
The price you see on the order page will be the price you see on your credit card statement with the above currencies.
However if your currency is not available you will be billed in US dollars.
Your credit card company will then bill you in your own currency at the prevailing rate of exchange, therefore your
credit card bill will show a slightly differing amount to those shown due to currency fluctuations.
Click below to convert from US dollars to your local currency to give you a rough idea: |
$5 (1 Graphic image) |
$20 (5 Graphic images) |
$40 (10 Graphic images) |
$60 (15 Graphic images) |
$299 (850+ Graphic images CD) |
What can I use your graphics for ?
Although the images were designed for powerpoint "on-screen" presentations, you can use the graphics for anything you want including:
- Presentations
- Color handouts / printouts
- 35mm Slides
- Overhead transparencies
- Video graphics
- Web pages
- Wallpaper
- Electronic signage
- Posters
- Brochures
- Invites
- T-shirts & mugs
- Flyers etc
- You are also free to manipulate the images
Works with your graphics software
The downloadable graphics are supplied ready to use in powerpoint.
Guaranteed to work with . . .
- Microsoft PowerPoint 97
- Microsoft PowerPoint 2000
- Microsoft PowerPoint 2002 / XP
- Microsoft PowerPoint 2003
- Microsoft PowerPoint 2007
- Microsoft PowerPoint 2010
- Microsoft PowerPoint 2013
- Microsoft PowerPoint 2016
- Microsoft PowerPoint 98 mac
- Microsoft PowerPoint 2001 mac
- Microsoft PowerPoint 2004 mac
- Microsoft PowerPoint 2008 mac
- Microsoft PowerPoint X mac
- Microsoft Office 97
- Microsoft Office 2000
- Microsoft Office XP
- Microsoft Office 2003
- Microsoft Office 2007
- Microsoft Office 2010
- Microsoft Office 2013
- Microsoft Office 2016
- Microsoft Office X mac
The CD-ROMs contain all the images you see on this website. Since most of todays graphics software can insert a JPG (JPEG)
image you will have no problem incorporating them into your presentation:
- Corel Draw (all versions)
- Scala MultiMedia MM200 & InfoChannel
- Macromedia Dreamweaver (all versions)
- Apple Keynote - mac (all versions)
- LibreOffice and Open Office
- Adobe Photoshop (all windows versions)
- Jasc Paint Shop Pro (all windows versions)
Will they work on my computer ?
The System Requirements to use the awesome graphics for powerpoint are:
- A PC running Windows 95, 98, ME, NT, 2000, XP, Vista, 7, 8.0/8.1, Windows 10, or an Apple Mac
- Microsoft PowerPoint 97 or higher
(To check what version you have....Run powerpoint then click the "Help" menu,
select "About" to see your version of powerpoint)
- A graphics resolution of 640x480 (VGA) or higher and more than 256 colors
- Ideally a graphics resolution of 800x600 (SVGA) and 16bit color (lots of colors!)
- A CD-ROM or DVD drive if you order the CD-ROM version
What format are they supplied ?
The awesome graphics for powerpoint are supplied as standard JPG (JPEG) pictures.
JPG files have an extremely small filesize.
The resolution (number of pixels) of the graphics are 1024 x 768 (width x height) for the landscape images, and 768x1024 for the portrait images. We picked this resolution as it's a perfect match for most powerpoint presentations and projected presentations.
Download some of our free samples to judge the quality for yourself.
Are the images royalty free ?
The images are royalty free. Once purchased, you can use them for anything, even if you use them for a
TV or Internet broadcast you don't owe us a penny. You can even incorporate the graphics in a mass produced
multimedia program. All we ask is that you do not re-sell them as graphics. All the graphics are original.
Designed "By Default!" who are a team of experienced designers.
How do I load a picture into powerpoint ?
Instruction for powerpoint 97 / 98 / 2000 / 2002 / XP / 2003 / 2004 / 2007 / 2010 / 2013
- Load Powerpoint
- Click on the "Insert" menu
- Choose "Picture > From File..."
- Navigate to where you saved the download graphics.
For CD-ROMs, Navigate to your CD-ROM drive (normally D:)
- Click on the file name of your choice (eg. business meeting)
- Click on "Insert". Powerpoint will then insert the picture.
- That's it. It really is that simple!
See the full instructions for awesome graphics for powerpoint
It really doesn't get any easier
Question not answered here? See the Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
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